
Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Long Term Care Setting

AMDA has published the following Clinical Practice Guidelines specifically for use in long term care settings. The subjects are noted below (year of publication is indicated in parentheses). Click on a CPG title for a description.

Each guideline is presented in a user-friendly format, and contains an introduction explaining the purpose, development process, and terminology; a step-by-step narrative text that covers definition, recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of the condition discussed; and an algorithm that summarizes the steps involved in addressing the condition.

These guidelines were developed by interdisciplinary workgroups using a process combining evidence- and consensus-based thinking, and reviewed by several national organizations and individual experts. As a result, these guidelines are applicable to members of the long-term care interdisciplinary team including physicians, nurses, consultant pharmacists, and others.

Guidelines may be ordered individually or as a full set; multiple copies of each individual guideline are also available.

For more information on AMDA’s continuing program of clinical practice guideline development, please call or write AMDA, or send e-mail to AMDA Clinical Affairs.

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